Please note: The Mathemacs project has ended in September 2015. These pages are no longer maintained.
Mathematical Methods in Multi-Level Systems
18 September 2013 - Barcelona, Spain
A satellite workshop of the ECCS 2013: European Conference on Complex Systems
It is generally agreed that complex systems are comprised of a large number of sub-components and their interactions; moreover, they often exhibit different levels and possess structure at different spatial and temporal scales. Consequently, for the understanding of complex systems, the interplay between those levels and scales is fundamental. In some applications, the levels are already given or can be naturally identified, for instance as neurons, brains, individuals, and social organizations, based on which scientific disciplines like neuroscience, psychology, sociology, economy, etc., have evolved. Moreover, even within a single discipline, it is often necessary or desirable to seek and understand multiple levels of description. On the other hand, in many applications natural candidates for levels are not always obvious. In general, understanding the role of levels in complex systems remains a grand challenge and generally applicable tools and methods are scarce. This workshop aims to discuss mathematical methods for the description of complex multi-level systems and their dynamics. Specific topics include
- Structure formation and information flow within and between levels
- Methods for identifying emergent levels
- Coarse graining of patterns and networks
- Dynamical systems on graphs and hypergraphs
- Understanding the level structure and dynamics resulting from aggregation and averaging methods
- Multi-level approaches in application areas
Fatihcan Atay (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)
9:00-9:20 Fatihcan Atay (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)
Introduction: Scales and Levels
9:20-10:00 Kristian Lindgren (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg)
Decomposition of Information
10:00-10:40 Dima Volchenkov (University of Bielefeld)
Random Walks for Data Analysis
10:45-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:10 Erik Edlund (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg)
Renormalization of Probabilistic and Deterministic Cellular Automata
12:10-12:50 Oliver Pfante (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)
Closure Measures and the Tent Map
12:50-13:30 Martin Nilsson Jacobi (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg)
Identification of Weak Lumpability in Markov Chains, with Applications to Markov Partitions
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-15:40 Francesco de Pellegrini (CREATE-NET, Trento)
Strategical Interactions in Complex Systems: Overview of Networks and Games Models in the CONGAS Project
15:40-16:20 Adrian Ponce-Alvarez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
Modeling the Human Brain: Resting and Task Evoked Activity
16:20 Closing
The talks will take place in RoomA2 at the main ECCS conference venue.