Please note: The Mathemacs project has ended in September 2015. These pages are no longer maintained.
Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy)
Contact information
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Piazza Roma 22
I - 60121 Ancona
Phone: +39 - 071 - 220 - 1
Project members
- Leonardo Bargigli
- Marco Gallegati
- Fields of interest: wavelets, business cycles, time series
- Mauro Gallegati
- Fields of interest: finance fragility, complexity, econophysics, agent based models, asymmetric information theory
- Giuseppe Ricciardo Lamonica
- Fields of interest: time series, spatial analysis
- Elivo Mattioli
- Fields of interest: ratio-scale matrices, index numbers
- Alberto Russo
- Fields of interest: complexity and practical economy, agent based macroeconomics, financial fragility and inequality